53 research outputs found

    Optimization of a Transmission Network

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    Development Directions of Mobile Systems to Help Human Resources

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    Electronic information systems used by interior and national emergency organizations are based on the same functional components, but even within an organization, specific entities can be equipped with different types of devices from different manufacturers. Apart from the fact that today the management of increasingly complex systems requires serious expertise, it is also complicated with the diversity of system components – so in their operation it is hard to become proficient and well-skilled. The attention of the operator becomes divided, so it is not entirely focused on their task. The topicality of the matter is the growing number of security developments. The purpose of my publication is to explore the tools and user aspects – with emphasis on user overload – related to these systems

    The Role of Additional Information in the Control System

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    As a result of rapidly evolving technology, the energy hunger of the world is also increasing. Depletion of fossil resources is also a problem in addition to growing energy hunger. Climate change also presents us with ongoing challenges that also affect energy supplies. These problems and challenges must be answered and solutions must be found. Mankind needs to switch to the use of climate-neutral resources and to the operation of energy-efficient models. Increasing efficiency also requires the development of an effective control system. The basic element of system control is the cybernetic loop. The present study examines the efficiency of the first phase of the cybernetic loop, the efficiency of sampling

    Információbiztonság tudatosság

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    Az információbiztonság napjaink egyik legfontosabb kérdése. Az oktatásban ez hogyan tükröződik vissza? Melyek a képzés, az oktatáslegfontosabb kritériumai? Milyen megoldásokat és szabályokat kell betartani ahhoz, hogy az előírásoknak megfeleljünk? Magyarországon a kormányzati és közigazgatási rendszerekben közel kettőezer információbiztonsági szakember hiányzik. Hogyan pótolható ez a szám szakemberekkel? A publikáció erre ad választ és mutat be megoldási javaslatot

    Adaptation of Cloud Theory in the Infocommunication System of Autonomous Vehicles

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    Transport infrastructures are part of the global transport architecture. The operation of each nation\u27s transport infrastructure is essential for the sustainability of national economies. Therefore, these systems are considered as critical infrastructures from the perspective of national security. It is understandable that smart mobility is one of the indicators of the smart city concept. An important element of the transportation system is the IT infrastructure, which is connected to the local systems of smart cities. In the system of a smart city the central management subsystem is the server component and the moving objects are the client devices. Autonomous vehicles can obtain the information they need for transport from their on-board equipment, from the central control of the smart city or from each other. The most important requirement of the autonomous vehicle\u27s own system is high availability with adequate performance. For this reason, it is worth examining the applicability of availability-enhancing technologies in these vehicles. This article examines the adaptations of the cloud system requirements and cloud building technologies in the infocommunication system of autonomous vehicles

    The energy importance of additional information

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    The cornerstone of the Smart City conception is the application of an advanced info-communication infrastructure. One of the main tasks of info-communication systems is the transmission of information. During transmission, however, not only the data representing the required information is transmitted, but also extra data. According to the receiver-side monitoring aspect of the communication, this involves some additional information. This additional information can be examined in many ways. The aim of the present study is to investigate the energy significance of additional information. During the investigation, the appearance of additional information is represented with an older Internet game. This game provides an opportunity to detect the incorporation and decoding of extra data. The study is then based on the energy balance modeling of the systems to point out the nature of the energy problems of such supplementary informatio

    The Role of Additional Information in the Control System

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    As a result of rapidly evolving technology, the energy hunger of the world is also increasing. Depletion of fossil resources is also a problem in addition to growing energy hunger. Climate change also presents us with ongoing challenges that also affect energy supplies. These problems and challenges must be answered and solutions must be found. Mankind needs to switch to the use of climate-neutral resources and to the operation of energy-efficient models. Increasing efficiency also requires the development of an effective control system. The basic element of system control is the cybernetic loop. The present study examines the efficiency of the first phase of the cybernetic loop, the efficiency of sampling

    Gyakorlatorientált képzés a műszaki felsőoktatásban

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    Gyakorlat-orientált oktatás egyesíti az elméleti képzést és a gyakorlati tapasztalatszerzést, és megismerteti az üzleti világot, hogy rugalmas módon tudjanak reagálni a munkaerőpiac gyorsan változó igényeihez. A hallgatók az erős gyakorlati képzésben részesülnek a tanulmányi programok teljesítése során, és professzionális, valós ismereteket és készségeket szereznek. Szakmai téren projektek, gazdasági társaságok, non-profit szervezetek és az állami szektor integrált része a gyakorlatorientált tananyag. Az ezen a területen alkalmazott tantervek már a fejlesztésre összpontosítanak, a kompetencia alapú tanítás és tanulás kerül előtérbe a cégek, az egyetemek és a gazdaság, a társadalom elvárásainak megfelelően, és esettanulmányokkal, szakmai versenyekkel, valamint bevezetése révén a karrier központokkal és öregdiák hálózatokkal együttesen vannak jelen

    Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure and Charging Technologies

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    A hálózatról tölthető elektromos járművek egyre népszerűbbek a fejlett országokban a levegőszennyezési problémák, a kimerülő olajkészletek, fosszilis üzemanyagok és a növekvő üzemagyagárak miatt. A megfelelő távolsági tömegközlekedési infrastruktúra megléte egyelőre kifejezetten fontos feltétele az elektromos járművek széleskörű terjedésének, mivel ezek hatótávolsága napjainkban még korlátozott. Egy általános töltőhálózat kiépítése rendkívül fontos annak érdekében, hogy a felhasználók az otthonuktól távol is képesek legyenek tölteni elektromos autóikat és ezzel nagyobb utak megtétele után se okozzon gondot a hazatérés. Az autóiparra egyre nagyobb társadalmi és kormányzati nyomás nehezedik, hogy csökkenjen a szennyezőanyag-kibocsájtás és jobban elterjedjenek a tisztább, fenntarthatóbb közlekedési eszközök, mint amilyenek a tisztán elektromos járművek is. Az alábbi tanulmányban körbejárjuk az elektromos járművek töltési technológiáit, áttekintjük a globális elektromos járműpiacot és a töltőhálózat kiépítését befolyásoló tényezőket. Plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) are becoming increasingly popular in developed countries. To overcome pollution problems, depleting natural oil reserves, fossil fuels, and rising gasoline costs. The availability of public transport infrastructure is a critical factor in increasing the adoption of PEVs because long journeys cannot be achieved through the limited electric range of PEVs. Therefore, providing a general charging service to reach the home is an essential requirement. Moreover, the automotive industry is facing increasing social pressure and renewed government regulations to reduce emissions and adopt cleaner and more sustainable technologies such as PVS. In this paper, we describe the electric Vehicle Charging technologies, global electric vehicle market, and the main factors of charging placement infrastructures

    E-Learning Security Risks and its Countermeasures

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    E-learning, a novel way in the learning process that involves more interaction between the learners and teachers to some extent, in comparison to the traditional education. Moreover, it depends on the Internet technology and executes via web applications. However, network environment is a honey pot to attract many hackers and it may have some potential security risks such as: malicious attacks, hackers and so on. In addition, network security is one of the security issues of E-learning because it is usually concerns with the instructors, learners, trainers who cannot foresee the risks and know how to prevent the threats and the like. This study mainly focuses on the E-learning security issues and the countermeasures to deal with risks towards e-learning-system
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